böyle bir şey gördüm bu konuda bilgi verebilir misiniz ? ne işe yarar milyon request karşılamakla ilgili midir ?
php artisan queue:batches-table
php artisan migrate
public function export()
$chunkSize = 10000;
$usersCount = User::count();
$numberOfChunks = ceil($usersCount / $chunkSize);
$folder = now()->toDateString() . '-' . str_replace(':', '-', now()->toTimeString());
$batches = [
new CreateUsersExportFile($chunkSize, $folder)
if ($usersCount > $chunkSize) {
$numberOfChunks = $numberOfChunks - 1;
for ($numberOfChunks; $numberOfChunks > 0; $numberOfChunks--) {
$batches[] = new AppendMoreUsers($numberOfChunks, $chunkSize, $folder);
->name('Export Users')
->then(function (Batch $batch) use ($folder) {
$path = "exports/{$folder}/users.csv";
// upload file to s3
$file = storage_path("app/{$folder}/users.csv");
Storage::disk('s3')->put($path, file_get_contents($file));
// send email to admin
->catch(function (Batch $batch, Throwable $e) {
// send email to admin or log error
->finally(function (Batch $batch) use ($folder) {
// delete local file
return redirect()->back();
Creating Job files
class CreateUsersExportFile implements ShouldQueue
use Batchable, Dispatchable, InteractsWithQueue, Queueable, SerializesModels;
public function __construct(
public $chunkSize,
public $folder
) {
public function handle()
$users = User::query()
(new \Rap2hpoutre\FastExcel\FastExcel($this->usersGenerator($users)))
->export(storage_path("app/{$this->folder}/users.csv"), function ($user) {
return [
'id' => $user->id,
'name' => $user->id,
'email' => $user->id,
// ....
private function usersGenerator($users)
foreach ($users as $user) {
yield $user;
class AppendMoreUsers implements ShouldQueue
use Batchable, Dispatchable, InteractsWithQueue, Queueable, SerializesModels;
public function __construct(
public $chunkIndex,
public $chunkSize,
public $folder
) {
public function handle()
$users = User::query()
->skip($this->chunkIndex * $this->chunkSize)
->map(function ($user) {
return [
$file = storage_path("app/{$this->folder}/users.csv");
$open = fopen($file, 'a+');
foreach ($users as $user) {
fputcsv($open, $user);
php artisan queue:work